Prepositions 2
Prepositions 2: up down into away Up – to rise / increase Lifts / Elevators go up. The price of food is going up. Down – to fall / drop / decrease Stock prices can go up, they can go down sometimes too. Into – from the exterior (outside) to the interior (inside) of a place I put the cheque into my bank account and the money into my wallet. Out of – from the interior to the exterior of a place Take the pizza out of the oven, I think it’s ready. My boss isn’t here at the monent, he’s out of the office. Away – remove Go away. Take it away, I don’t want it here. Fall over verses Fall down Fall over – tumble Simon tripped on the carpet and fell over but he didn’t fall down the stairs. Fall down – lower level – descend Alice fell down the hole to the world below. (fell – past for fall) Onto – Place / to Lay (physically) We put the cheese onto the burgers and placed them in the oven. The cheese dripped onto the baking tray below. Off of – Remove (physically) Take your feet off of the furniture please, and take your shoes off too, you’ll dirty the...
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Prepositions 3: above below beside next to Above Our Plane is above the clouds and look, there is another plane above us. Below / Beneath There is a shark somewhere below / beneath the boat. Under / Underneath Your pen is there, under / underneath your books. Beside – To be to one side of a thing Put your bicycle beside mine. Let’s sit beside each other in class. Behind – To be to the rear of a thing Our house is situated behind the Train Station, can you see it? In front of – Ahead of / In advance of My dad’s running in this charity race. He’s there, in front of the man running in the monkey costume. That’s my Dad! Come on Dad! Next to – Adjacent to a thing Sit there next to / beside your sister. I don’t want to sit beside her. Close to – Proximity Don’t stand so close to me. The Fire Station is close to / near the Hospital, but It’s not next to it. Opposite – Facing (directly) You’ll find The Police Station opposite the Cathedral. Over – somewhere above / Cover A blanket of smog / pollution hangs over the city. Across – Traverse There is a bridge across the river about three miles from here, you can get across / cross on foot. Around / about – Approximate / Approximately (place) I hate multi storey car parks. My car’s around / about here somewhere. Ah! Here it is. Toward / Towards – Approach Ladies and gentlemen, the fire alarm has sounded, please move toward / towards the fire exits. Away from – To Distance from Let’s move away from the fire, it’s getting a bit warm / too warm. Good idea. Alongside – To Align / Follow The road runs alongside the railway line for a mile outside the city Among / Amongst – In the centre of things I love this time of year when we are among / amongst our friends and families. The balloon fell among / amongst the rose bushes and popped / exploded. Through – Pass into and out of Mark kicked the ball, it hit the wall, went through the window and landed on the sofa. Throughout – Pass around a system Blood passes through the heart and travels throughout the...
Read MoreComparative and Superlative list
Comparative and Superlative list Size Weight: Adjective Comparative — er more / less than Superlative The – est most / least big bigger biggest small smaller smallest tall taller tallest short shorter shortest fat fatter fattest slim slimmer slimmest thin thinner thinnest thick thicker thickest heavy heavier heaviest light lighter lightest wide wider widest broad broader broadest deep deeper deepest shallow shallower shallowest dense denser densest obese more / less obese most / least obese Other qualities Adjective Comparative — er more / less than Superlative The – est most / least full fuller fullest empty emptier emptiest wet wetter wettest dry dryer driest open more / less open most / least open closed more / less closed most / least closed Opinion: Adjective Comparative — er more / less than Superlative The – est most / least good better the best bad worse the worst great greater greatest nice nicer nicest poor poorer poorest rich richer richest pretty prettier prettiest lovely lovelier loveliest interesting more / less interesting most / least interesting boring more / less boring most / least boring fantastic more / less fantastic most / least fantastic difficult more / less difficult most / least difficult horrible more / less horrible most / least horrible expensive more / less expensive most / least expensive awful more / less awful most / least awful mediocre more / less mediocre most / least mediocre Brightness Adjective Comparative — er more / less than Superlative The – est most / least light lighter lightest dark darker darkest bright brighter brightest pale drab paler palest shiny shinier shiniest drab drabber drabbest dull duller dullest luminous more / less luminous most / least luminous Time Adjective Comparative — er more / less than Superlative The – est most / least early earlier earliest late later latest Speed Adjective Comparative — er more / less than Superlative The – est most / least quick quicker quickest fast faster fastest slow slower slowest rapid more / less rapid most / least rapid speedy speedier speediest swift swifter swiftest hasty hastier hastiest zippy zippier zippiest Age Adjective Comparative — er more / less than Superlative The – est most / least young younger youngest old older oldest / eldest...
Read MoreAdjective and Adverb list
Adjectives and Adverbs list ADJECTIVES ADVERBS abrupt abruptly absolute absolutely accidental accidentally active actively actual actually adamant adamantly additional additionally affectionate affectionately alphabetic alphabetically angry angrily annual annually anxious anxiously apparent apparently appreciative appreciatively apprehensive apprehensively appropriate appropriately approving approvingly approximate approximately apt aptly ardent ardently arduous arduously arguable arguably attentive attentively attractive attractively audible audibly awkward awkwardly bad badly beautiful beautifully bitter bitterly boastful boastfully bold boldly brave bravely brief briefly bright brightly brilliant brilliantly brutal brutally busy busily calm calmly careful carefully careless carelessly casual casually cautious cautiously certain certainly cheap cheaply cheerful cheerfully clean cleanly clear clearly clever cleverly close closely comfortable comfortably complete completely conclusive conclusively conscious consciously constant constantly continual continually continuous continuously cool coolly copious copiously correct correctly courteous courteously crooked crookedly cruel cruelly cunning cunningly curious curiously dangerous dangerously daring daringly dear dearly deep deeply definite definitely deliberate deliberately delightful delightfully diligent diligently dim dimly dirty dirtily double doubly dull dully eager eagerly easy easily economic economically efficient efficiently eloquent eloquently enjoyable enjoyably enormous enormously entire entirely essential essentially eternal eternally ethical ethically ethnic ethnically etymological etymologically euphemistic euphemistically evasive evasively even evenly eventual eventually evident evidently exorbitant exorbitantly extreme extremely faithful faithfully fastidious fastidiously fatal fatally fearful fearfully fierce fiercely final finally financial financially first firstly foolish foolishly forceful forcefully forgetful forgetfully fortunate fortunately free freely frequent frequently friendly friendly frightful frightfully full fully general generally generous generously gentle gently gentleman gentlemanly genuine genuinely glad gladly graceful gracefully gracious graciously gradual gradually grim grimly grudging grudgingly gruelling gruellingly gruesome gruesomely half-yearly half-yearly haphazard haphazardly happy happily hard hardly harsh harshly hasty hastily hateful hatefully heavy heavily helpful helpfully helpless helplessly high highly historic historically holistic holistically honest honestly honourable honourably hopeful hopefully horrible horribly hourly hourly hungry hungrily hypothetical hypothetically hysterical hysterically illicit illicitly illegal illegally immaculate immaculately immediate immediately impatient impatiently individual individually inescapable inescapably inestimable inestimably inevitable inevitably inexorable inexorably infallible infallibly insidious insidiously instant instantly instantaneous instantaneously instinctive instinctively jealous jealously joint jointly joyful joyfully judicious judiciously justifiable justifiably keen keenly kind kindly kinetic kinetically knowing knowingly knowledgeable knowledgeably last lastly lasting lastingly late lately lawful lawfully lazy lazily light lightly live lively lone lonely loud loudly lucky luckily mad madly main mainly mannish mannishly magic magically mental mentally merciful mercifully mere merely merry merrily momentary momentarily monetary monetarily monthly monthly narrow narrowly natural naturally near nearly neat neatly nebulous nebulously necessary necessarily needless needlessly nervous nervously new newly nice nicely nightly nightly noisy noisily nominal nominally obedient obediently obtuse obtusely occasional occasionally open openly oppressive oppressively optimistic optimistically oral orally outward outwardly painful painfully partial partially particular particularly passionate passionately patent patently patient patiently peaceful peacefully perfect perfectly permanent permanently personal personally pessimistic pessimistically physical physically pious piously playful playfully pleasant pleasantly polite politely poor poorly popular popularly possible possibly posthumous posthumously pretty prettily previous previously primary primarily pristine pristinely private privately probable probably problematic problematically promiscuous promiscuously proper properly proud proudly punctual punctually pure purely puritanical puritanically purposeless purposelessly quaint quaintly quick quickly quiet quietly quintessential quintessentially repeated repeatable repeatedly rapacious rapaciously rapid rapidly rare rarely rational rationally ready readily real really recent recently regular regularly resourceful resourcefully respectful respectfully ridiculous ridiculously rotational rotationally rough roughly rude rudely sad sadly safe safely sanguine sanguinely sarcastic sarcastically satisfactory satisfactorily savage savagely scary scarily schematic schematically secret secretly seeming seemingly seismic seismically sentimental sentimentally separate separately serene serenely serial serially serious seriously severe severely shaky shakily shameful shamefully shameless shamelessly sheepish sheepishly shy shyly significant significantly silent silently simple simply sincere sincerely single-handed single-handedly skilful skilfully sleepy sleepily...
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