Prepositions 1:
to in at
Describes direction and the relative positions of things
To – direction (here → there)
We often go to Paris for weekends.
From – direction (there → here)
We come from Italy, we live in Rome
In – enclosed
The children are playing in their tents, in the garden.
Out – exterior
Paul isn’t here at the moment. He’s out, he’ll be back later.
At – coincidence of place / time
Erin will be at the hotel at 8.00 o’clock. She’s at the airport at the moment.
On – attached / touching
Your key is there on the table. The painting is on the wall.
Off (often with a verb) – not attached
It’s polite to take your hat off when you enter a house.
Off typically appears with a verb, such as take – off (remove), creating Phrasal verbs.